Rather than spending your hard-earned cash on premium spins, you can get some daily ones for free that will allow you to defend your village, attack others, dig for coins, and repair your damaged buildings! If you want a helping hand with when to stay longer in certain villages, check o...
Note that if I right click on the backup folder (it doesn't have a regular folder icon in Windows Explorer, it has the special icon for backup directories), the "Restore Options" option is there which I can use to get the same window above.Of course I tried to manually delete the...
Ordinary nuclides are well described by an independent-particle model with ground-state isospins equal to the minimum possible value Tmin = abs(A/2 - Z). It has been suggested that extremely neutron rich nuclei constitute a second branch of the table of isotopes whose ground states have the...
I changed my computer back to it's original name, but it appears that Restore no longer works. Doesn't pick the backup correctly, or just sits there and spins.I finally just decided to delete one backup and am in the process of moving the other backup to another disc drive....