best. Haste is a special ability that allows you to speed up your movement in Minecraft. It should be between 0 and 32767 (inclusive). Uncategorized No Comments. I could have sworn that they changed the name from ench to Enchantments before 1.12, but I guess not. Haste is added along wi...
🟡 - Plugin alone allows going above 30 FPS, but game requires patch to fix breaking gameplay elements (f.e. game speed or physics) or removing fake frames (aka game reporting 60 FPS while in fact it's 30 FPS) 🔴 - Plugin alone is not enough, game patch is required PATCH AVAILABI...
Reworked bindings.xml to be cleaner and leaner Added some code in an attempt to fix 'walklock' issue. 1.1 I wasn't keeping track of changes prior to 1.2, but it should be sufficient to say that 1.1 was pretty much a stable release. Todo notes: Implement MouseOverFrame function and incr...
🟡 - Plugin alone allows going above 30 FPS, but game requires patch to fix breaking gameplay elements (f.e. game speed or physics) or removing fake frames (aka game reporting 60 FPS while in fact it's 30 FPS) 🔴 - Plugin alone is not enough, game patch is required 🟣 - Game...