In BG3, you can atack enemies with moves that don't kill. In this guide we explain how to use non-lethal attacks and the Knock Unconscious action, as well as the reasons for avoiding killing other characters.
To get anywhere with Act 3, the player will first have to finish with Duke Ravengard and learn of the Tale of Ansur. After the player takes a long rest, Wyll will want to speak with the player. The player must speak to him.
Speak With Deadis perhaps one of the most useful spells inBG3as it allows the party to gain information from characters they otherwise might not have access to. This spell allows quests to be advanced or even gained by talking to corpses. Once awoken,the cleric can ask five questions: who...
On the floor, you’ll find Ffion Goldgrind’s corpse, which you can use Speak with Dead on to learn the identity of the killer. Near her, to the right of the room’s entrance, is a table with aBloodstained Parchmenton it. This parchment is the list of murder victims, which include ...
so to speak, for everything up until that point, but again, it should be set in such a way where there are more goblins who are focused more on killing Aradin and his team and the tieflings on the wall, while the MC and party come at them from behind. THIS should be the fight ...
Trying to talk to the Tieflings outright will prompt a guard to intervene, but a relatively easyDeception or Persuasion checkwill allow you to continue.Speak to Lia, and she will tell you that the Deep Gnomes are planning something, and you should find out what. From here, you h...
Decide on the party member you want to remove and speak with them. You’ll have a dialogue option telling them to stay at camp for now. This gives you an open slot. Next, speak with the party member you want to add and select the dialogue option to invite them along on your next ...
Find Familiar: Scratch" or whistle to him during the spoken encounter. We recommenddrinking a Potion of Speak Animals before entering the areato hear Scratch's opinion on the matter. Mar'hyah will ask what you're doing here, and you shouldrespond with "Is this dog yours?" ...
However, it is once a hireling has joined the party inBG3that Withers’ secret is revealed, as they will all speak in a rather familiar way. This is the cue for the helpful Narrator to clarify that it is in factWithers speaking through the newly summoned person. When asked why, Withers...