Akihabara - Set of libraries, tools and presets to create pixelated indie-style 8/16-bit era games in Javascript. Allegro 5 - C++ libraries to make 2D games(graphics, sound, etc.). ammo.js - Direct port of the Bullet Physics engine to JavaScript using Emscripten. Atomic Engine - features...
always a convenient, seemingly polite excuse for the powerful to take what they wanted. Turner grappled with some of the negative consequences and contradictions of the frontier ethic and how it shaped American democracy. But many of those whom he influenced did not do this; they celebrated i...
Ships – not airlift – deliver the vast majority of most powerful fighting force in the world overseas. Ships delivered the tank, the HIMRAS, the ammo, the food, the guns, the artillery, the helicopters and even the fighter jets. Ships – not air-to-air refueling tankers – deliver the...
When you get a ship test all systems to ensure that they work, and how they work, then use this ship to gain combat experience and as a construction aid and test bed for your new ideas. That’s right. To test out your new ideas. About every modeler I have ever known has his or ...
You need to write a document that justifies the need for your product. It needs to be short enough that your average CEO will be able to get through it, but long enough to do its job. It needs to cover the business case for the product, the product’s complexity, and the general sa...
My main, qualified, point is that explosives (or ammunition, for that matter) don’t just go ‘boom’ if you look at them sideways. Both ammo and explosives tend to be quite safe to handle, for obvious reasons. It takes some skill and effort, or a large degree of overcompensation, to...
you are going to mow the lawn – a tree falls on you as you walk to the lawn mower -you’ve done a bear’s service. It was under the influence of that attitude that this mold-hunt gone mad was concocted out of anger, boredom, vodka, and a desire to get to noticed to be promot...