Because laws and government-funded programs for harm reduction vary not only by state but also by city and county, it can be difficult to figure out where to find naloxone for free. Below are the best places to start when searching for free or low-cost Narcan nasal spray close to you. ...
These groups may be able to provide test strips free of charge, or know where you can get them. How can I protect myself from a drug overdose? Do not use drugs alone Use fentanyl tests strips Find and utilize a local clean needle-exchange program. Carry naloxone (Narcan) and encourage ...
Centers like Promises in Malibu, Calif., and Crossroads in Antigua, West Indies, now enjoy elevated status thanks to some of their high-profile patients. Although celebrities get the lion's share of the publicity for their visits, they aren't the only ones who utilize rehab services. ...
Whether you’re looking to volunteer your time, donate funds, or contribute in other ways, there are several opportunities to get involved and make a difference. Here’s a guide to some of the incredible local organizations making an impact in Philadelphia and how you can support their efforts...
a wonderful feeling not having to worry about how you're going to get that first bag of the day just to feel normal. And for some of you, you won’t have to lie, cheat or steal any more. You won’t have to waste your money, your time, and your life on this drug ever again!
[A] fatal overdose in February at a San Francisco library branch pushed officials there to forge ahead with Narcan training for security officers, social workers and employees who help the homeless, said Michelle Jeffers, a library spokeswoman. ...
Step 1: Check for a suspected overdose by yelling “wake up” and gently shaking the person. If the person does not wake up, proceed to step 2. Step 2: Hold the Narcan nasal spray device with your thumb on the bottom of the plunger, and insert the nozzle into either nostril of the...
At that summit, the governor directed the Texas Division of Emergency Management to begin distributing Narcan, an opioid reversal tool, to every county in Texas. Additionally, he announced a $10 million multimedia PSA-style campaign to educate Texans on the dangers of the drug and how to preven...
"I didn't get Narcan, most people see narcanning as an overdose -- my heartrate dropped enough to where I fell out, I fell on the bathroom floor and I woke up four-hours later," O'Hara said. The next day, his mom's friend took him to the airport for a flight to reha...
Some may be less careful driving, for instance, if they know that their insurance provider will cover potential accidents, while the uninsured will drive with more caution. A recent study similarly suggests a correlation between greater access to Narcan, the drug used to reverse potentially fatal ...