Instead of going to said pit stop, I used it to improve my Consistency from 94 to 99 in just a few laps . Just a couple notes however: 1. Once you activate Pit Limiter in the options, you must press the center pad to bring up the menu while driving, then scroll down to the ...
If you want to compete online with other players in Assetto Corsa Competizione, the public lobbies offer lots of options. However, the game’s dedicated server application is recommended for tailored playing sessions with friends. It is possible torun it on your personal computeras long as it ha...
DRIFTING Irohazaka Touge - Assetto Corsa VR Gameplay // #伊吕波山道# 落山!#云打机# 系列!#SSCS TV#
The next mission is “The Plate of the Snowpoint Temple”, which involves traveling to Snowpoint Temple. Vetnrue to the basement and use the Iron Plate, Icicible Plate and Stone Plate to open the door. Regigigas will be waiting for battle. It’s level 70 and possesses skills like Zen...
After this, defeat the Tibia Mariner boss, either in Summonwater Village Outskirts, Wyndham Catacombs, Artist’s Shack or Snow Valley Ruins Overlook. You can also summon D to help out in this fight. Open defeating him, you need to get the Bestial Sanctum map. Do this and D will be pres...
【Assetto Corsa】ROTARY ROCKET LAUNCHED!|Tsubaki Line UH TA FD3S|4'42'582 // #转子情怀# #RE·雨宫# x #马自达RX-7# #FD3S# #云打机# #高桥启介# #头文字D# 虽然是电子音效,不过转子机器的声音真是独特! LSnapShotCarShow的微博视频 ...
1.主菜单中点击“车手” 2.将“名字”(First Name)一栏先任意键入些许字符 “Last Name”(姓氏)一栏填入在嗨跑网站注册的用户名 “Nickname”(缩写)一栏填入在嗨跑网站注册用户名的前三位 3.进入PC“我的文档”,找到Assetto Corsa Competizione文件夹并进入Config文件夹 ...
【Assetto Corsa】Happogahara OB Night TA FC3S (with Drift) - 4'09'738 - Initial D6 HUD V2.0 Preview // #云打机# #SSCS TV# #八方原# #马自达RX-7# #FC3S# #转子情怀#
This time, Master Kohga will be on a boat in a nearby lake in the Depths, piloting it while his henchmen fire arrows. Use Ultrahand and drop a nearby boat of your own and give chase. Get close to jump onto Kohga’s vessel and then beat the stuffing out of all three enemies. Once...