Once you make a Smelter, place it and put whatever Seaweed you gathered inside it. After a few seconds, the Smelter will melt the Seaweed down into Vine Goo. You can then use the Vine Goo to make the recipes in Raft. Related: Can you play Raft on Mac? How to use Vine Good in Ra...
Making Dry Bricks For The Smelter: Land on anIslandand collectSandandClay. Combine to createWet Bricks— place Wet Bricks on your raft and let sit in the sun for 5 minutes to becomeDry Bricks. Research Dry Bricks to craft theSmelter— once the Smelter is crafted, you’ll be able to tr...
However you need the Research Table to craft the Bolts and Circuit Board needed to make it. You can create Metal Ingots by using the Smelter. Once you have all the above, you can craft a Recycler to place on your raft. You can now start to feed it junk to make Trash Cubes. That’...
When combined withClay, Sand can be used to createWet Bricks. Setting these in the sun for five minutes will transform them intoDry Bricks, which can be researched at theResearch Tableand used to make aSmelter. This device is used to create almost every advanced item in the game. Dry Bri...
You'll need sand to craft a Smelter. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.Here’s how it works. (Image credit: Axolot Games) Wondering how to get sand in Raft? It's a resource that's all around you, but it's not obvious how to collect...
How to Use Titanium Ore in Raft Titanium ore is not used in crafting, but smelting it in a smelter will give you Titanium Ingots. To do this, place one Titanium Ore in the Smelter and wait 2 minutes. But once you get Titanium Ingots, you can use them to create the following helpful...
Survivingon a raft, you will have to constantly craft and look for different items to make life a little more comfortable. The Dry Brick is not multifunctional, only used to craft, specifically to craft the Smelter. How to Get Dry Brick in Raft...
The hardest materials to acquire are Metal Ingots and Circuit Boards. Metal Ingots are smelted from Metal Ore, found underwater near large islands. Circuit Boards also require the Smelter. Place Seaweed inside the Smelter and cook to create Vine Goo — you’ll find Seaweed on the ocean floor...
The longship will unlock in the Crafting menu the first time players find all the necessary materials. Players will need a Forge and a Smelter to be able to
How To Get More Titanium Ingots & Craft A Titanium Sword In Raft In order to craft the two Bolts, players will need to go underwater and use the Hook to collect two Metal Ore. Metal Ore can be placed in a Smelter or Electric Smelter to create Metal Ingots, and players can then use...