Only your carrier can unlock the SIM card. If you cannot get a hold of your carrier, then there is nothing anyone here, nor Apple can do to assist you with getting it unlocked. Reply User profile for user: Mac Jim ID Mac Jim ID User level: Level 8 37,013 points Mar 10, 2024 9...
The fastest way to get help in SimCity BuildIt is toreach out to us in-game. Find out how to back up your game progress. Check outthe SimCity BuildIt boards on Answers HQto get help from our community. Follow@EAHelpfor everything from outage info to game news. ...
Once you get into close combat, have the BAs dismount and use their Swarm attack on an enemy mech. They’ll climb on board, clawing, firing their weapons and generally doing terrible things to it every turn, forcing the enemy pilot to waste a turn trying to shake them off. (Image ...
You’ll get one Assignment at a time to complete a Streak and a chance to get bonus Plumbob Points if you can do it in the set time. The number of Assignments in a Streak and the bonus depend on the League you’re playing in. If you fail one of the assignments in the Streak, th...
The majority of mobile phone SIMs are not correctly provisioned for use with tablet computers. If they work at all, they may not provide access to the full range of cellular services. This is not a limitation of the iPad, but of the Cellular network provider. If you see 'invalid SIM' ...
And in general, always keep backups in case something happens. I back up the entire Sims 3 folder to an external drive every once in a while and use "save as" at least once a sim-day so I always have older backups to rever to if I need them. ...
Imagine having 5 MTN sims and registering on MTN myapp on the five sims. That is a cumulative 2.5 gig of free data. This free data from MTN myapp is valid for 30 days. Advertisements However, you must know that once you get the free data, you will not be eligible to get another one...
Video game and entertainment site IGN uses the hub and spoke model in its guide to The Sims 4. The main pillar page gives readers overarching information about each major topic. Like how to create a Sim: And each section on the pillar page links to relevant cluster pages. ...
I just recently got new expansion packs and my Sim Points. But, since you can't sell back the items you don't want, I have to be careful in what I'm buying. So, question is: How do I know the stuff they have is already in my expansion pack games? I'm afraid I ...
As Vampire Sims level they must take on weaknesses. This is very much like the quirks in Get Famous. If you do not spend points on weaknesses you will not be able to progress through levels. Of course, aside from weaknesses, there are also some other common pitfalls of a Vampire Sim. ...