Get under the hood of Quest as a developer. You only need to jump through a single hoop here to get you officially recognized as such. Just head over to theDeveloper Organizationdashboard, login to your Oculus account, and create what Meta considers an “organization.” Toss a random name ...
When you reach Llance, you’ll need to prove yourself better than him to get across the bridge. He’ll teleport on top of a mushroom, forcing you to prove yourself by knocking him off it. To do this, jump onto the mushrooms behind the bridge and then perform a slam attack on Llanc...
Elden Ring has a roster of NPC quests that you can complete for unique weapons, armor and more. Here's a walkthrough of all NPC side quests in the game.
, i'm willing to buy something i may not play for six months—it'll never get cheaper than free, and it may not be free again anytime soon. still, if you think that's going to gnaw at you, maybe put a bit more thought into which free games are actually worth adding to your ...
There are plenty of people who want to get straight to the point, but you’ll notice that many want to have something in common to latch on to — even if just for a night. The friends with a twist always recommend, "Make friends out of swingers, not swingers out of your friends!"...
After beating the boss, you will get a small cutscene, and Serai’s ultimate weapon, the Star Shards, and the achievement Better Off Dead. This is also one of the tasks you need to complete to unlock the game’s true ending, so make sure to take the time to do this side quest when...
OverviewWalkthrough: Main QuestWalkthrough: Side QuestsThings to Do First in Fallout New Vegas 12. Fallout: New Vegas - Dead Money The first expansion released for Fallout: New Vegas, Dead Money is set during the events of the main campaign and offers a new locale to explore. Taking players...
Even though opening the storehouse door isn't an actual side quest inTears of the Kingdom, it grants players access to a special item:the President Hudson cutout. It turns out that Rhondson was thinking about throwing out the variousPresident Hudson cutoutsinside the storeho...
How to teach gamers to roleplay My question really boils down to: How should I communicate what I mean by roleplaying to computer gamers who see roleplaying as a gaming genre? How do I insipire creativity outside of combat or strict dice-rolling situations? How do I get gamers to play...
After this video is completed, click the alo button on the right side of your screen to check your Mindfulness Days progress. Every day that you meditate, the black, circular outline will move to the right, signaling which day you're currently on and which ones you're working towards....