How to cure Vampirism Final thoughts How to become a Vampire There are several steps involved in becoming a Vampire, the first of which is to get bitten by one. You can either get bitten by players orNPCvampires, and below you can find out how each of these works. ...
We live in the Pacific Northwest in the United States. I don’t know if you are familiar with our weather patterns up here. We get A LOT of gray days but usually we have beautiful summers! (We have weather very similar to U.K. or New Zealand.) We have tried and tried to grow ...
Kapha:When in balance, these people are affectionate, compassionate, patient, forgiving, emotionally steady, relaxed, slow, methodical, stable, and optimistic, with good memories, good stamina, and a natural resistance to sickness. When out of balance, they are often complacent, dull, lethargic, ...
When you have a heart attack, the simple story is that your heart can’t get enough oxygen so your heart muscle goes into spasms and begins to die. If the heart attack is mild or caught soon enough you will survive.Most heart attacks don’t lead to instant death. Heck, 20 percent...
This rigidity is captured nicely in an old Chinese saying about Confucius: "If the mat is not straight, the Master will not sit." To Shakyamuni, the Historical Buddha and the patriarch of Buddhism, life was bitter, filled with suffering, sickness, old age, and death. Shakyamuni believed ...
The coarse and fine cloth and the persona's willingness to wear either without tiring may be some- thing similar to the vows we exchange in marriage: "For better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part." In ...