How To Use The Sewing Machine In Emily And Haley's House How To Get Your Own Sewing Machine To Place Anywhere How To Use The Sewing Machine Types Of Clothing The Best Clothes To Make How To Dye Clothes How To Use Dye Pots Transferring Footwear Stats Prior to starting a new...
Once you have one Cloth, you must wait until the following day for Emily to visit the farm and invite them to use the Sewing Machine and Dye Pots in her home. Emily is a marriage candidate in Stardew Valley whose home can be found on the southwestern side of town. Enter her home an...
Rainbow Shells can’t be crafted, but you can use them to make a dyable bikini top if you put one in the sewing machine, or use it to dye something any color of your choice. There are also two quests that require Rainbow Shells. The Mysterious QI will ask you to use one at the t...
After you’ve got that out of the way, you can use Bream to make fertilizer, meals like Sashimi and Baked Fish, blue dye, or you can use one to create the Fish Shirt at the Sewing Machine in Emily and Haley’s house. Stardew Valley Prima Games is supported by our audience. When...
Rather than searching in multiple places inStardew Valleyfor Iridium, optimizing your time and focusing on the ones with the best outcome is better. There’s only one location that checks off all those boxes, so get ready for combat, a lot of mining, and prepare plenty of food to heal yo...
How to get a Rainbow Shell in Stardew Valley The easiest way to get a Rainbow Shell in Stardew Valley is to find one on the beach during Summer. During other seasons, it’s possible to buy a Rainbow Shell from the Traveling Cart, or have one spawn from a Rainbow Trout fish pond. ...
To get Cloth in Stardew Valley, collect Wool from Adult Sheep or Rabbits and place it into a Loom. To craft a Loom, you need Level 7 Farming, 60 Wood, 30 Fiber, and 1 Pine Tar. Use the sewing machine in Emily and Haley's house to make new clothes with 1 Cloth + 1 item.Gettin...