You can buy aFFXIVMiniature Aetheryte from them for only 14,470 Grand Company Seals. You may need to raise your GC rank in order to access this item. If you need more GC seals, simply do some more daily roulettes and you’ll have it in no time. Have fun!
You can get one Aetheryte Ticket for justfive Allied Seals at your Grand Company HQ, or five Centurio Seals from the hunt exchange counter at the Forgotten Knight in Ishgard.Meaning, if you do all the weekly Elite marks fromA Realm Reborn,Heavensward, andStormbloodhunt boards, you can earn ...
There are also some items and tools you can use to make the fastest run to level 90. The first is Engineering Manuals, which give a +50 percent boost every time you craft an item. They’re easily obtained by trading in items for Grand Company Seals. These Engineering Manuals can be use...
As all the FFXIV combat classes, Conjurer has the opportunity to specialize into its more advanced version - White Mage when theyreach level30. However, they also get access to a very special side quest calledUnicorn Power. You can obtain it from Braya in the Old Gridania. Then, you'll...
Those who make a brand newFFXIVcharacter on Materia will gain additional bonuses. This can be done a few hours ahead of normal transfers, beginning on January 25 around 2 a.m. Pacific Time. To get an even further jump ahead, players can make their new character using the character creator...