Loving the Ctrl + Shift + V keyboard shortcut; however, I can't get it to stop recalculating the data tables in my open workbooks. I have my calculation settings set to "Automatic Except For Data Tables" and 'Recalculate workbook before saving unchecked." Is there some sett...
BootstrapSam Norton • Published: January 20, 2024 • Updated: June 06, 2024 • 10 minutes READ Bootstrap, the most popular front end framework in the world, makes it easier for web designers and developers to quickly generate creative website themes. So, let’s build a Bootstrap ...
if (m_pMixer == NULL) { return MF_E_INVALIDREQUEST; } // Try to get a free sample from the video sample pool. hr = m_SamplePool.GetSample(&pSample); if (hr == MF_E_SAMPLEALLOCATOR_EMPTY) { // No free samples. Try again when a sample is released. return S_FALSE; } else...