because not all are dangerous — in fact, many species will only sting when threatened, so it may be fine to co-exist. And if you've located a large colony on the side of your house, under the deck or in a tree out back, keep reading for a safe way to get rid of wasp nests....
In addition, using a ladder for nest removal could result in a fall. If using do-it-yourself tactics, always attempt nest removal after dark and be sure to have a pre-planned escape route if you need to retreat from angry wasps. For wasp management, the best thing to do is contact ...
The bald-faced hornet also lives in the US, but is actually classified as a species of wasp.Hornets build paper nests high above ground and are very aggressive when that nest is threatened. They do perform a service by hunting down other insects, but their aggressiveness and ability to ...
Wild colonies of honey bees commonly nest in old, hollow or rotted-out trees. The bees can easily become a nuisance when spring arrives. The bees will congregate around swimming pools and bird feeders where people may commonly get stung. Many people are allergic to bee stings and can even e...
How to get rid of hornets If you want to get rid of hornet or wasp nests, you have a few methods to choose from. When trying to exterminate a hornet nest, it’s very important to take the proper precautions. Wear thick protective clothing and a long-sleeved shirt, or a protective bee...
How to remove a wasp nest If you find a paper wasp nest on or near your home, you’re probably going to want to get rid of it. Although it’s not a paper wasp’s mission in life to hunt you down and attack you, stings are possible. When determining how to get rid of a wasp...
The natural tendency of bees is to develop colonies in tree hollows and cavities in other structures. Bee infestation around or inside your house can be damaging to your health and to the infrastructure of your house. As bees as diurnal, removal of a hive can be best executed after dark. ...
To enlist Mother Nature’s help in getting rid of cutworms, you can attract beneficial insects like spiders and beetles, which prey on cutworms. Attract them by putting up artificial nests or bug boxes around your garden. A paper wasp nest (also called potter wasps) can also come in handy...
Getting rid of scorpions when they have invaded your home is a task that has no easy solution, but do not panic. Most of these menacing creatures are no more dangerous than a wasp, unless their human victim is too young, too old, or allergic to their poison. However, you will still ...
Hornets are also social insects while wasps tend to be solitary. What does a Wasp Nest Look Like? Wasps like to build nests in gutters, bushes, branches, eaves, and along fencing. Their nests look different according to species. Two of the most common wasps make paper wasp nests look like...