A dry cough is one that doesn't produce mucus or phlegm. It may occur when you have conditions such as the cold or flu or more serious conditions like asthma, pneumonia, heart failure, tuberculosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). ...
Septicemic plague.Beginning with similar symptoms as bubonic plague, septicemic plague can get worse to cause internal bleeding and parts of the body, like the fingers, toes, or nose, to turn black and die. Pneumonic plague.Along with a headache, fever, and weakness, pneumonia quickly develops...
To get rid of aphids, or plant lice, wash them off your avocado plant and spray it with a teaspoon of neem oil. Keep checking the plant and re-clean after six or seven days or when required. Your efforts will soon bear “fruit.” CureJoy Editorial The CureJoy Editorial team digs up ...
Walking around on a dirty, contaminated floor can give you athlete's foot. Rolling around on an infected mat can spread ringworm to what ever parts of your body it comes in contact with [source: American Society for Dermatologic Surgery]. Damp and dirty clothes, particularly towels, provide ...
Quit smoking to help reduce your risk of heart disease and lung cancer. Get an annual flu vaccination and regular vaccination against pneumococcal pneumonia to reduce your risk of or prevent some infections. Talk to your doctor if you feel sad or helpless or think that you may be experiencing...
constriction of blood vessels. This reduces the overall volume of the circulatory system so increasing the blood pressure. The body's response to this is to reduce the fluid volume by getting rid of some water via urine, an event known as "cold diuresis".When you get cold, you want to ...
26 Simple Remedies That Will Get Rid of Your Cold 7 Signs You Might Have Pneumonia It makes sense, then, why bronchitis is a common diagnosis for those who hit up their doctors once those symptoms present. “Viral upper respiratory infections (bronchitis) account for over 30 million office ...
Vomiting is not as dramatic a thing in the dog world as it is for us, and dogs may even vomit deliberately to get rid of something that doesn't agree with them (yesterday's garbage, for instance). Occasional mild vomiting usually isn't anything to worry about. But if your dog vomits...
The bottom line:The best way to protect yourself from coronavirus and prevent the spread is to wash your hands, avoid touching your face, cover your coughs and sneezes, keep a distance from people in public, and stay home if you’re ill. ...
What if you can’t explain this topic to your child because you don’t know anything about spirits? Here’s a quick run down of the facts, according to my knowledge and experience: The Reality of ‘Ghosts’ There are lost spirits walking this planet. I’ve been clearing them from auras...