A final option is white vinegar. Put white distilled vinegar in a spray bottle and spritz it over the spot that smells. While the vinegar leaves an odor of its own, it'll dissipate in a short time. Dispose of Gas If the gas got onto your carpet from a gas container in your car, d...
Open all windows in your car if It won't be a rainy day. (Don't leave the trunk of the car open; this drains the battery.) Just keep the two back seats open halfway to let fresh air back in the trunk of the car. Don't close the back seats until the car is aired out for ...
From pets to food, there are a number of smells that can linger in your car. Discover a few strategies that can be helpful in removing car smells.
Tip The passing of time also will help to eliminate vinegar odors. As the vinegar evaporates from the carpet, the smell will eventually fade as well. Vinegar is a gentle, natural cleaning product that can be used for many different purposes. Using vinegar on a carpet spot usually is effectiv...
Getting Rid Of Terrible Mold In My Car With White Vinegar Preparation Before heading out to remove the molds in your car, you will need a few essential items for cleaning. You will need a mask and gloves for protection, a mixture of water and vinegar, a wet-dry vacuum cleaner, and an...
Stop the constant air-swatting and learn how to get rid of the gnats in your house. These pests will stop infiltrating your place if you follow these tips.
Neutralize the smellThen you’re going to want to douse the spot with an enzymatic cleaner or simply make your own cleaning solution by combining (white or apple cider) vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio. Because the vinegar is acidic, it will neutralize the bacteria in the dog pee, offse...
A teaspoon of vinegar or canola oil in a quart of water (especially if you add a bit of dish soap) can be a very effective point-defense spray, although you’ll have to shoot the bee, which might aggravate it. Method #2 A simple homemade bee trap can be created by filling a basin...
If you or your pet has been sprayed by a skunk, check out my page aboutskunk odor removal, for the only effective substance to get rid of the smell - it's not vinegar or tomato juice, and you can easily make it with the simple household items seen below: ...
How to get rid of musty smells in your home Okay, so you’ve now diagnosed the underlying problem (hooray!) and have got everything in tip-top shape and mold- and mildew-free (double hooray!). Now, it’s time todeal with the lingering smell. ...