urinating or defecating on your lawn rubbing antlers against tree trunks The number of deer causing damage will also affect your control plan. The higher the deer pressure in the area, the more time, effort and strategy it will take to alleviate the problem. 3 Choose the Best Deer Repellent...
Discover how to get rid of gophers quickly and effectively. Implement step-by-step instructions or ask Experts your questions.
The shade of a tree isn’t just the perfect place for a picnic, it can block the sun’s rays from beaming on the side of a house, which significantly raises the indoor temperature and leads to more expensive and eco-harming energy consumption. Many homeowners know this and will pay top ...
Cicadas 2024: Here's how to take care of your yard during cicada season, including mowing your lawn at dawn or dusk, protecting young trees, and more.
the root ball can move around in the soil, which can damage the roots. Staking helps prevent this, and lowers risk of root damage or even uprooting a tree. Finally, stakes around a tree offer a barrier of sorts near the base of the tree, helping to sway people, pets, and lawn mowers...
In extreme cases,heat lamps with a 100-watt bulb can keep trees warm, especially if placed under a cover to protect saplings. However, this risks burning the tree, so be careful that the lamp does not touch the plant. If a single bulb is unavailable, you also can use strings of Chris...
When choosing trees, a dwarf tree or semi-dwarf variety works the best because of their naturally shorter stature. It’s also best to choose a fast-growing specimen as this will make the training process quicker and easier. Young saplings that are only 1 or 2 years old work best. Their...
tree grows up to 40 feet in height. In the Southern Hemisphere, the spring months of August and September herald the abundant blooming of the kowhai tree. Yellow, trumpet-shaped blooms appear in large hanging clusters before the tree's foliage. Pollination occurs predominantly from the tui ...
The mimosa tree (Albizia julibrissin), also commonly known as a silky acacia, is a slender tree that can grow to a height of up to 40 feet. Its large, fragrant blossoms make the tree popular for ornamental purposes.
As the stump dies, it may send up shoots in an attempt to regrow. Until the stump is dead, cut saplings off the base of the trunk as they sprout, or paint them with a woody brush killer that contains triclopyr.[7] If your goal is to allow one tree to grow from the old stump,...