Thank you for removing the snake in my patio on such short notice, on a Sunday evening no less! I was about to stay at a hotel! Sandy Coleville Tampa, FL I appreciate that you used a humane approach to evicting "Rocky Raccoon" from my attic. I was almost sad to see the nest of ...
Roof rats prefer to nest off the ground and are found mostly in urban areas.A female attic rat can have an average of four to seven litters a year with eight to twelve pups in each litter. Step 2 - Determine Their Access PointsYou must thoroughly search your home from the basement up ...
Start with the most basic scare tactic. Place a rubber fake snake or owl somewhere on your carport. This should be enough to scare away the birds at first. Move the snake or owl around every two to three days. This should deter all but the bravest birds from roosting in your carport. ...
Research into natural termite control methods found that orange oil could be a safe way to get rid of termites. A study in theJournal of Economic Entomologyfound that oil from citrus peel is toxic to insects. A solution of 5 ppm orange oil (ppm: parts per million) was applied to termites...
How to get rid of birds’ nests in the gutter? All the bird nests are protected by law, and individuals aren’t allowed to remove them. However, if the nest is in some problematic region of your home or surrounding, it becomes important to remove it. But how?
I have reviewed and field tested several snake trap designs, and the one featured below is the most durable and effective. It is the highest quality snake trap available on the market. Read more about Snake Trap. For more information, go to my Snake Removal - How to Get Rid of Snakes ...
The Best Natural Ways to Get Rid of Ants Some of the following natural solutions will deter ants while other can kill the ants. While I don’t like the idea of killing ants, sometimes you have no choice. For example, if you have a nest of fire ants that can attack your child or ot...
the nest General Fitness How to Exercise Without Flattening the Butt By Julie Williams A Lower Stomach Exercise to Get Rid of a Pouch i Saggy jeans are not very attractive, especially when the sag is in the rear end. Yet, when you lose weight, that means you lose it everywhere,...
Use a heavy container to help prevent toppling, or nest a plastic container with drainage holes inside a sturdier one made of clay or ceramic. You may also need to add a bamboo cane or moss-covered pole for support. As the plant matures and becomes too unwieldly for repotting, top dress...
of truth. Because ants can't or won't walk through baby powder, you can use it to protect yourself against red ants. Getting rid of potentially dangerous fire ants usually involves digging up their nest, throwing it in a bucket, and then filling the bucket withsoapy waterto drown the ...