How To Kill and Get Rid Of Ants Controlling ants in structures need not be so difficult. To be successful, you must follow a few basic rules: Identify the species of ant involved. (critical) Perform a thorough inspection. Determine where the ant colonies are located. ...
Do not try to remove a yew shrub with your pickup truck and a chain Some ill-informed daredevils will tell you to back up a pickup truck to the yew, tie a chain to the truck, lash the other end of the chain around the plant, then put the truck into gear and pull it out. Do...
how to kill ants, get rid of ants including argentine, fire, carpenter, pharoah, pavement, crazy, tawny, house, ghost and other ant species
to-large sized shrubs. Depending on the size, some may be able to be removed by hand, while others will require a shovel in order to dig out the roots. It may be helpful to prune back some of the smaller branches or sections of a shrub in order to make digging it out a bit ...
they can easily chew it or gnaw it to a large enough size so that they can get through. Generally, if a rodent can squeeze it's head through an opening, (most rodents heads are the size of a quarter or smaller), it will eventually get through. This is why your strategy for rat or...
These trees thrive in very poor soil and can outcompete native vegetation, causing native species to die out. Russian olive saplings spring up quickly and can propagate from old cut stumps and from pieces of root left in the soil. Victoria Moloman/iStock/GettyImages ...