Restoring an older wood deck starts with proper preparation. Skipping this crucial step can cause your new deck stain to fail prematurely. Regardless of the brand or price of the stain, it won’t hold up if applied to a surface that hasn’t been thoroughly cleaned and prepped. When dealing...
How to Attract a Barred Owl to an Owl House How to Get Rid of Sapsuckers Owls keep the rodent population down, which is especially helpful for farmers and property owners with lots of land. The barred owl is the most common owl in New Hampshire and is prominent throughout the eastern an...
There are a wide variety of tree species, and some can be difficult to grow. The type of tree that grows on your new deck doesn’t seem to matter. For example, some evergreens release sap at certain times of the year. The sap drips onto the grass beneath the tree, so you may not ...
For those who don’t have the time and budget to perform the other methods here, you can utilize your watering time to get rid of the ants. Sharp spraying will wash out any sap-suckers and ants on the leaves and stems of your flowering plant. Take note that this is only ideal for s...
the curing temperature causes releases sap from within the wood. Sap coats the wood with a dark stain, making the pallets or crates appear old and worn. The heat treating process does not compromise the strength and durability of pallets and containers. KD pallets are not harmful to your heal...
While true buzzards are raptors native to the Old World, the word is often colloquially applied in North America to two related species of scavenging bird: the turkey vulture, found at least part of the year across the entirety of the lower 48 states, an
This tree in the photo below needs some serious pruning to get rid of the dead branches. When your tree looks like this, it’s fine to remove the dead wood at any time of year. Photo by Kristine Lofgren. There is an exception to pruning with shears or clippers, and that’s if you...
Soil– The adaptable Mimosa Tree prefers moist, well-drained acidic soil; however, the tree is often successful in a variety of other soil conditions. Water– The drought-tolerant Mimosa Tree prefers at least an inch of water a week; however, it is able to withstand mild to moderate drought...
If you live anywhere colder than about a zone 9a, you’ll want to grow your lemongrass in a pot, and bring it indoors for the winter. And even then, you might want to bring it in, just in case you get an unexpected temperature drop (the weather seems to be doing all sorts of ...
wood will prevent the new stain from properly penetrating the surface. The new deck stain will sit on the wood instead of diving into it.Deck stains do not adhere to each other well, so this causes the newer deck stain to begin flaking and peeling off the deck generally in a year or ...