You can’t see it, or taste it, but you can feel it: That slimy feeling you have when you run your tongue along your teeth? It’s plaque. No matter what you do, it is hard to completely prevent plaque on teeth — but don’t worry. You can minimize its enamel-destroying ...
These types of treats (thinkGreenies) can help reduce the amount of plaque that builds up on your pet’s teeth. They shouldn’t completely replace the brushing of teeth, but they can be a beneficial supplement in the quest to keep kitty’s teeth clean!
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health,more than 40 percentof U.S. adultshave some formof gum disease, including gingivitis. In most people, it is caused by a buildup of plaque on the teeth and gumline. The good news is it’s ...
If dental plaque builds up around implants, gums will become inflamed rather quickly. This inflammation is called peri-implant mucositis and is very common. The inflammation must be attended to quickly before progressing deeper into the gums. If the inflammation progresses, there can also be bone-...
take it to brush the teeth of your dog. Remember to use veterinary toothpaste only. After that, take a small quantity of toothpaste for brushing. While brushing, you need to mainly focus on the upper teeth because plaque starts building up on the dog’s upper teeth. Also, gently clean yo...
Antibiotics, over-the-counter medications or even surgical opening of the abscess may help you to get rid of toothache. However, we also have some effective home remedies and natural techniques on how to treat toothache pain naturally that help you to get rid of throbbing pain in your teeth....
These sores are common and will go away on their own, but if you have a major event coming up, you might be wondering how to get rid of a cold sore fast.
Biting your cheek after chomping on a tough cut of steak might result in a mouth sore that isn’t necessarily a mouth ulcer, but it can still prove irritating and painful. Plaque and bacteria may cause swelling and sores around the gums. This serves as a reminder to brush your gums...
Fake vomitis a necessary evil sometimes, but you’ll have to get your hands “dirty” making vomit with these tasty recipes. We’ve created 3 great recipes for you to make and try out on your own. Are you the type of kid that is trying to dupe your parents to get out of school?
Nonetheless, you should always consult your dentist prior to self-treatment.1. Dietary ChangesThe food you eat greatly affects your overall health as well as the health of your teeth. If you are trying to heal a tooth, considering limiting sugars in your diet as these food particles get ...