When acne occurs, the inflammation damages skin tissue. Your body tries to heal by producing collagen—a protein that helps rebuild the skin. But if your body producestoo much collagen, you get raised scars. If it doesn’t produceenough collagen, you get depressed scars. Main Types of Acne ...
Tea tree oil also aids in the prevention of the development of permanent marks. Also Read: How to Use Essential Oils for Ear Infection?3. Potato juice- Potato juice is a good treatment for dark circles and can also help to get rid of stretch scars. Potatoes are high in starch and conta...
Another way to get rid of age spots is to cover them with liquid nitrogen and freeze them. This destroys the pigment that turns your skin darker -- when your skin heals, it should be lighter. The only downside is the possibility of permanent scarring or discoloration of the skin, and ...
Cystic acne:This is a less common but more severe type of acne that you won't be able to get rid of overnight. Cystic acne forms deep underneath the skin and can cause permanent scarring, which is why seeing a specialist is important. Dr. Skotnicki recommends prescription medications like...
Bug bites can do serious damage on the skin. While most shouldn't leave permanent marks, they can scar if you pick, scratch or irritate the bites. Thankfully, there are ways to treat these scars and marks. From topical remedies to more intensive treatments, you have a variety of options...
These cuts can leave permanent scars. So, make sure you shave lightly to prevent nicks in the first place. Natural Remedies Want to know how to get rid of razor burn? Look no further than these eight natural remedies. 1. Aloe Vera Aloe vera has been known as a traditional remedy for ...
To get your Sex life back with confidence! Avoid the potential embarrassment of having all your friends know about your "little bumps". You won’t need costly laser surgery or become dependent upon seeing a doctor for help. You’ll get Permanent Results without risk of scaring or pain. ...
FAQs about How to Get Rid of Smile Lines What Causes a Smile Line? As the name implies, smile lines are wrinkles or folds that form when you smile. Your smile lines become more prominent when you’re actively smiling and making facial expressions, but they may also remain as permanent cre...
ease from one person to another, especially among those who have not been vaccinated. These red spots appear initially on the chest, then they spread all over the patients’ body before turning into vesicles packed with water. If untreated, these blisters can cause permanent chicken pox scars....
poor self-image, anxiety, depression and permanent scarring. In order to ensure proper acne treatment, one should know different types of acne and the one they are suffering from. There are various types of acne with different manifestations, causes and stages of life. Acne Neonatum Acne ...