Chemical grub control should be your last resort. Choose an insecticide with the active ingredientscarbarylortrichlorfonand apply it only when you know you have many active grubs in your lawn. Typically, grubs are young and actively feeding close to the soil surface in late July to early Septemb...
Thatch is a layer of plant material between the living grass and the soil. Less than one-half inch of thatch or so on your lawn is fine, but anything over that can be detrimental to the lawn. It prevents water and fertilizer from getting to the roots and can harbor fungi and insects....
A properly maintained lawn can tolerate more grubs per square foot than a stressed lawn. Repair dead patches caused by grubs withScotts® EZ Seed®. You can rely on Scotts products when it comes to prevention and treatment of grub worms in your lawn. ...
It’s important to distinguish moles from voles because the damage the two cause is very different. While moles leave mounds and raised ridges of soil in the lawn, signs of voles include well-worn traveling paths on top of the lawn, bark nibbled off the base of trees, and eaten tubers,...
In order for milky spore to work effectively, however, you must apply it under specific circumstances: when feeding is active on soil. And to be most successful.Beneficial nematodes, microscopic worms that target and parasitize grubs, are another option to control curl grub infestation. Nematodes...
Fruit Trees How to Winterize New Fruit Trees How to Get Rid of Grub Worms in a Fruit Tree how-to-space-fruit-trees types-of-fruit-trees how-to-fertilize-fruit-trees how-to-protect-fruit-trees-from-freezing-temperatures caring-for-fruit-trees-in-tennessee...
Chiggers like overgrown areas, so when drawing up a battle plan for how to get rid of chiggers,tend to your lawnand garden. Pay attention to dense, damp thickets of bushes and shrubs bypruning and weeding. Be sure to mow and keep your grass short, especially around borders where the law...
How to Control Millipedes in Potted Plants Home Hacks & Answers Chemical vs. Organic Lawn Care Beat back the grubs by introducing them to their natural foes: beneficial nematodes. These are tiny worms that feed on grubs by entering grub bodies and eating their insides, which liquefies them. ...
Thus, moles often are present in grubfree lawns. If all the earthworms, grubs, and other soil animals in a lawn are eliminated via repeated applications of various insecticides, the moles would be forced to seek other, more productive areas. However, the results may not be evident for ...
Get Rid of the Grub Making your lawn less attractive to June Bugs is a good start when it comes to protecting your yard. June Bugs like to lay eggs in short grass, so keep yours above three inches in the early spring and summer when it's June Bug egg-laying season. If that doesn'...