explains, “Infestations generally result from small numbers of winged aphids that fly to the plant and find it to be a suitable host. They deposit several wingless young on the most tender tissue before moving on to find a new plant. The immature aphids or nymphs that are left behind ...
Scatter iron phosphate granules, sold as “Sluggo,” around the border of your flowerbed. This natural product will cause snails and slugs to die, but they go away from the area to do so, depriving you of the pleasure of finding their dead bodies when you check on your garden in the m...
One Giant Leap for Grasshoppers Whether or not they have wings, some insects might get the chance to fly if selected to go in space and become part of the space-farming research. Though many plant parts are inedible for humans, they make a delicious meal for insects. Insects can convert ...
Know that there are several alternatives for getting rid of slugs, some easier than others, and a couple solutions are very inexpensive. You probably already have the ingredients in your kitchen. Just give the slugs a liberal pinch of salt and they turn to gel. Ammonia and water, mixed (5...
Deer love to munch on the leaves of any trees that they can find. If you have spruce trees in your back yard, they are susceptible to becoming a deer's dinner. This can leave your yard looking a little shabby, so you will want to protect your spruce tree
Which naturally the CWC wasn’t limited to. They’d still be limited to the passes. Getting horses over them mountain trails, not passes, isn’t trivial for those experienced with the area, which these troops couldn’t have been (not if they thought they were closer to the Pacific than ...
Want to learn how to use diatomaceous earth? Diatomaceous earth has been getting a lot of attention lately because of it's many uses for the home and garden. There are many uses for this non-toxic, naturally occurring silica compound like eliminating fleas and other pests and it can even ...
Whiteflies on your plants can give you a good reason to worry. These tiny insects suck out plant juices, and a heavy infestation can weaken your plants and cause them to drop leaves. You can get rid of adult whiteflies using a basic household appliance.
Predators:Robber flies prey on a variety of common garden pests, including but not limited togrubs, grasshoppers, adult beetles, leafhoppers, and some species of spiders and wasps. Their prey also includes beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies, so you don’t want too many of them ...
Democracy is free access to information and a learned sense of worldly wonder. It’s the everyday ability to handle unexpected situations and make judgments wisely. To live democratically is to refuse the dogma that things can’t be changed because they’re ‘naturally’ fixed in stone. ...