Gabrielle Kassel (she/her) is a sex and wellness journalist who writes at the intersection of queerness, sexual health, and pleasure. In addition to Women’s Health, her work has appeared in publications such as Shape, Cosmopolitan, Well+Good, Health, Self, Men’s Health, Greatist...
“When you have a fizzy drink, air builds up in your stomach, causing abdominal distention. This air has to exit the body somehow,” says Dr. Sonpal. We need to tell you, however, that rocking the bubbly is most likely not going to make you fart like you really want. “Carbonated...
Now, how to help a gassy baby if your baby is already bloated. One of the best things you can do is to give your baby some tummy time! Let your little one lie on his/her tummy. This actually helps your baby pass gas much quicker. Lay your baby down, you may opt to put a pill...
It’s one of the most common and loathed stomach problems. The instigators include constipation and overeating, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and the habit of swallowing air when drinking or eating too quickly all contribute to belly bulge. “Eating foods that contain certain ingredients ...
Thinking there’s a gas pocket in your chest is similar to feeling like it’s in your back in most ways. However, Duker Freuman notes that it likely means the problem is in your stomach and can be solved with a burp or two. Is trapped gas the same as being bloated? Not necessari...
You want to keep air out of your stomach. So slow your pace. Don't gulp your food or drinks. Chew each bite and enjoy it! Avoid gum and hard candy if they make you swallow air. Limit Salt Even a little extra in your diet can cause bloating. It can come from your salt shaker or...
Bloated, gassy, or running to the bathroom more than usual? It’s time to check in on your stress levels. Jessica Bippen, MS, RD, uncovers how stress affects your digestion and how to manage both. Have you ever had butterflies in your stomach when making a tough decision? Or maybe you...
If you feel bloated or gassy after your colonoscopy, walking can help you feel better. Keep track of any bleeding. It’s normal to have some after your first bowel movement -- or longer if you had tissue removed -- but you should call your doctor if the bleeding continues. You should ...
When you're trying to get rid of gas and bloating, there are severalfoods that can cause gas(beans and broccoli, we're looking at you). But some of your favorite drinks can upset your stomach, too. That's right, what you sip can stir up a storm of discomfort and lead to gas and...
Begin a food journal.Write down what you eat and how it affects you. If you feel bloated, fatigued, or gassy, add that food to your elimination list. “Most likely,” says Lipski, “your gut is telling you what foods it is sensitive to. You just need to listen.” ...