You don't have to focus all your efforts on getting rid of slugs. There are also some things you can do to help prevent them. Follow these simple tips if you want to make your garden less attractive to slugs. Slugs like damp soil, and they're most active at night. If you water yo...
Use a tree grown foods trap. Slugs are naturally attracted to products of the soil plants in your garden, so utilize that fascination in your focal point to trap them. Place a board near the area of your garden, where they have been most active, and put 50% of an orange or a couple...
The problem is that groundhogs—also known aswoodchucksorwhistle-pigs—are binge eaters who can wipe out your vegetable garden in a matter of minutes. They climb, they burrow, they swim, and they eat—an adult consumes about a pound to a pound-and-a-half of vegetation daily. Between spri...
Keep your grass and garden edges trimmed to reduce weed invasions in your fertile garden soil. The places to watch are not only the edges of your lawn but also around posts and fence lines and close to planting beds. Another idea is to grow perennials or ground roses that will shade those...
Mushrooms pop up when your soil is fertile and has good organic matter, which is what you want for your lawn and garden. So you don’t necessarily want to get rid of those conditions. Often, too, mushrooms will disappear on their own when the soil dries out, or they eat their way th...
How to Get Rid of Groundhogs in the Garden Groundhogs in a garden area trouble, not only because they eat the vegetables you've spent all season growing, but because they usually have a burrow system nearby. If you've got a groundhog destroying your plants, your only real option is to...
HowtoGetRidofGroundhogs The First Thing to Do Before Getting Rid of Groundhogs As the burrows of groundhogs have one main entrance and up to four exits, you need to spot them in your backyard. Once you have located the holes, check their activity by filling them with dirt and soil. If...
But then ideally, we want the garden to be relatively moist for the health of the plants and the soil food web, so a strategy that can sometimes work for getting rid of snails and slugs is to make sure there’s a very dry area around the perimeter of the garden. ...
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through your favorite potted plants gives you the creepy-crawlies, we do not blame you a bit. These brown and white bugs are useful for outdoor plants but not so great for humans. Learn how to get rid of soil mites in your garden and indoor plants using simple and inexpensive ingredients...