While “laugh lines” sound charming and are seen as a badge of honor –you’ve smiled and laughed your way to get them–frown lines are no laughing matter. Also known as the “elevens,” these are the deep set lines between the eyebrows that can make a person look angry or tense. T...
laughing, or frowning, and the muscles start to get visible traces of your movement pattern. The result issmile lines around your mouth and eyes,horizontal expression lines on your forehead, and frown lines between your eyebrows.
The toxin that could block nerve impulses to temporarily paralyze certain misfiring eye muscles, it turned out, could also be directed to disable those muscles that form "crow's feet" around the eyes, wrinkle lines on the forehead and frown lines between the eyebrows. Ten years after it ...
However, the forehead is one of the most common areas for wrinkles to form, whether from repeated facial expressions, sun damage, or just plain time. You don't need to concern yourself with lines on your forehead–but you also don't have to sit back and watch them happen if you prefer...
In most cases, baby Botox® treatments are directed at treating crow’s feet (fine lines and wrinkles seen at the corner of the eyes), frown lines and a few wrinkles on the forehead. Areas such as those under the eyes are not injected. The eyebrow may also be injected to help open...
Writing is like working out. If you take a ton of time off, you’re going to hurt when you get back into it. It’s a little difficult to be working on a novel all the time. Most writers have one or two in them a year, and those aren’t written without a bit of a break in...
The speaker was an overweight person with a chubby red face and a potbelly, with deep headphone-shaped indentations on either side of the forehead, and unusually wide ear canal openings: a Communications and Transmissions Specialist. “There’s a basic setting designed to ensure the survival of...
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When your facial muscles move, especially the ones around your eyebrows, they form a regular pattern on your skin where the ridges and folds start to form. With gradual use, this is the area where you start to notice the wrinkles, or the expression lines. When you frown, or make furrow...