Of course, while getting rid of the stray bruise from an awkward moment is fine, it’s worth noting that some bruising can be severe. While it’s not uncommon for bruises to be sore, tender and show a whole swathe of colors over the healing period, you don’t want to allow a bruise...
Whileusing Calpolor other appropriate remedies for babies from your local chemist can help, there are things you can do at home to help unblock baby's nose naturally. Here, we look at how to clear a newborn's nose, as well as the products that can give you a helping hand. How to c...
Almond oil has an anti-inflammatory property that can help to remove the dark circles as well as the puffy eye. Therefore, it can also help you to get relief from the stress, straining, and the pain that are caused by dark circles. Almond oil has an excellent source of vitamin K, whi...
(In fact, I ended up with some pretty grody-looking bruises that made folks think I’d either been assaulted or was a pole-dancer. Thanks-so-much to all the freaking serendipities plummeting down from above and crashing onto my thighs.) ...
Bruises often appear at the least opportune moments, creating unwanted blemishes on your skin that detract from your overall look. If you need to get rid of a bruise quickly, be it for a photo, special event, or something else, there are a number of home and professional remedies you can...
How can I make a hickey go away fast? WikiGiraffeWalker458 Okay you guys my bf gave me a hickey and I need to get rid of it asap so my parents don't find out so what's the best thing to do? Read More Ivy Boyd Makeup Artist A hickey is essentially a bruise, and the color...
Oh no! You have an event coming up, and a big, ugly pimple decided to erupt right on your face. You need to get rid of it, and fast. Popping pimples seem to make things worse, but there is a small chance you can make it ......