While the essential advantage of disposable vapes has always been the ease of use, an often avoided subject that must be at the forefront of the conversation is how to dispose of disposable vapes correctly. As they rise in popularity, more and more people are getting rid of these vapes in ...
There should be instructions on the disposable vape packaging that you purchase about how to get rid of it which doesn’t harm the environment. However, if you have concerns about discarding batteries regularly with disposables, it’s best to opt for a pod kit or vape pen that you can ...
Tattan-Birch and colleagues on the impact of the increase use of disposable vapes among young adults on the implementation of policy in the United Kingdom. Topics mentioned include the need of policy actions that should impact both young adults, smokers, and vapers, the importance of considering...
In late 2021, the Therapeutic Goods Administration announced it would make it illegal to import nicotine e-cigarettes – disposable vapes – into the country without a prescription. Whispers circulated amongst the feral/quirky set in cafes, bars and parks across each capital city: “They’re banni...