Second Rulewhen dealing with the paranormal: do not believe what you are seeing. The Bible tells us to test every spirit. On the human realm, we ask for ID. In the spiritual realm, most of us don’t think to do that. It may simplify things for you if I tell you that what is ha...
"You always seem to know what's on my mind! "Like this time, decluttering was definitely priority #1. I have all these 'demons' under my bed, you know old papers and stuff, suitcases etc. I did start out on my own with the decluttering and was I overwhelmed! I would spend a lot...
Having spent years studying the lives of dozens of Saints and Mystics for this website, one quickly discovers the role that God allows the demons to play for example in the lives of the mystic-saints. God Himself explains it when He said to St Gemma Galgani: “You will be trampled underf...
”demons have two different names. They have their created name given to them by God when they were first created, and they also have a function name, which will tell you what kind of spirit you are dealing with.
of the Bible but, for one reason or another, God had to destroy it before the situation as described in Genesis 1:2. This theory allowed for a society which existed for millions of years, thus harmonizing the contemporary views of the age of the world with the Bible account of creation....
Vampire-like figures also have a long history in the mythology of Asia. Indian folklore describes a number of nightmarish characters, including rakshasa, gargoyle-like shape-shifters who preyed on children, and vetala, demons who would take possession of recently dead bodies to wreak havoc on th...
Purifying The first thing witches do is purify a circular area to get rid of any unwanted energy or forces. A witch may use a broom (besom) to sweep the area and/or burn a bundle of sage, holding it over his or her head while walking in a spiral pattern around the circle and then...
In short, summoning demons is the very last thing children should be playing with. Even if the demons are made-up, the sigils could very well be charged with actual occult powers. To those who believe that this is all bunk, remember this: Some of the most powerful, intelligent and infl...
Matthew 6:12Jesustaught us how to pray:Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.In the Bible, there were so many times talking about the point ofForgive. ToForgivemeans to gives up all claims on debtors. In Matthew 6:12,Jesustaught us to ask forgiveness from the Heav...
they are feeding on. This means that the person who is doing drugs first has to be willing to give up the drugs before they can get rid of the demons. If they are not willing to give up the drugs, then they will not be able to get rid of the demons who are attached to them. ...