One way to tell the difference is that, in addition to dry scalp, you'll usually also have dry skin elsewhere on your body. With dry scalp, your skin flakes may be small and white, which fall out of your hair more easily. The skin flakes from dandruff tend to be off-white or yello...
Dandruff is one of the most common scalp conditions, affecting up to 50% of adults at some point in their lives. It’s a skin condition that makes your scalp seem dry, flaky, and irritated. Learn how to cure dandruff permanently with some simple home remedies, healthy hygiene practices as...
What is the fastest way to get rid of tinea versicolor? Body washing withdandruff shampoos containing selenium sulfide (Selsun Blue), pyrithione zinc (Head & Shoulders, Soothe), and ketoconazole (Nizoral)may help the tinea versicolor clear faster and stay away longer. In the past, some have ...
"If you are prone to getting milia, there is no true way to permanently prevent them from forming," adds Dr. Marchbein. That said, there's a whole host of ways to kick 'em to the curb, detailed ahead. How can you get rid of milia? As with acne, milia can be eradicated in a ...
Dip a cotton ball in it and use it to spread the water all over the face and neck area. Leave it on till the skin has absorbed the liquid. Now wash your face with cold water. Apply the water at least once a day to get rid of impurities from the skin, rejuvenate th...
3. When more areas get involved. There is no need to panic if you happen to notice these patches on your child’s face. But as with everything, it’s best to consult a doctor first to rule out any other illness. Common FAQs on How to get rid of white spots on the Face ...
Vitamin deficiencies in hair can cause hair fall, dandruff, hair thinning, and various other major issues. To get rid of this problem, you can take multivitamins tablets for hair growth. These hair multivitamin tablets contain many essential vitamins, such as vitamin A, D3, E, B7, and C,...
If dandruff is a persistent scalp problem you have, this could be one major reason why you have hair fall. An easy remedy to increase hair growth would be to get rid of the dandruff. How? Anti-dandruff shampoos are definitely there, but another home remedy is to infuse neem leaves ...
The scalp affected by folliculitis should be washed with a mild normal shampoo as often as desired. Anti-dandruff shampoos containing antifungal agents such as ketoconazole or ciclopirox are sometimes helpful. Conditioner can be used if desired. ...