Activated charcoal may result in constipation, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Thus, its use is somewhat controversial within the medical community. However, you may be able to reduce these side effects by starting out with small doses. If you try activated charcoal, you may find that it tur...
Transmission of COVID-19 occurs mainly through contact with respiratory sections from an infected person, however, fecal contamination may also spread the virus. Symptoms start off flu-like and progress to coughing, fever, shortness of breath, shaking chills, headache, loss of sense of taste and...
Nausea and vomiting are symptoms of many conditions including motion sickness, pregnancy, emotional stress, gallbladder disease, and other illnesses. Learn about causes, treatment, and when to be concerned. How to Get Rid of Nausea and Vomiting What is nausea? Do you want to know how to get...
Food poisoning: Poisoning from bacteria likeE. coliandSalmonellacan cause nausea, stomach pain, cramping, and vomiting as the body tries to purge the body of the bacterial toxin.23 Gastritis: This is theinflammationin the lining of the stomach caused by everything from alcohol and aspirin toH....
Is It Allergies or a Cold? Link to blog post December 2024|Cold, Flu, Strep, & RSV Is It Flu, COVID, Strep, or Something Else? Link to blog post October 2024|Cold, Flu, Strep, & RSV How to Prevent Respiratory Viruses and Strep Throat More articles...
Cefuroxime is an antibiotic used to treat infections of the middle ear, sinuses, skin, tonsils, and throat, and to treat laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, gonorrhea, COPD, and early Lyme disease. Common side effects of cefuroxime include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdom...
Do you feel nauseous with Covid? Some people have an upsetstomach. Some people have diarrhea. Some people have a loss of taste. Some people have a loss of smell. Will making myself throw up get rid of nausea? 15. Vomiting. Vomiting canhelp to reduce nauseain some cases, such as when...
She now want’s to move, but can’t find a place, i’m in bits.Crying anxiety panic nausea ect.Really do not want her to leave, feel angry also,as i have no one.No family or friends.I’m aware this transition has to take place, but it’s feeling like a death again. We were...
Don’t wait until nasty bug season is already underway; plan to get your annual flu shot and updated COVID-19 vaccines the first week of October. —RWM Reward good behavior. Why leave the lollipop-after-a-shot mentality behind when you reach adulthood? Looking after your physical well-being...
The good news is that ringworm generally doesn't last very long and you should be able to get rid of it within about four weeks [source: National Library of Medicine]. However, just because you've had ringworm once doesn't mean you are immune. Being exposed to ringworm again can cause...