and do not discourage new populations of groundhogs from moving in. Make sure to build the fence deep enough (at least a foot) to keep them from burrowing under the fence. If you are on a tight budget, chicken wire or chicken mesh will do the trick as well as any high priced ...
Tree gnawing can be prevented by building a steel fence around the tree with chicken wire. You can also wrap the chicken wire around the tree. These methods are labor intensive, and removal of the animal is more effective. However, these options do exist if you don't want to trap the ...
When an opossum is living in your attic, under your deck, or in your shed, it is not advisable to try getting rid of opossums on your own. An opossum can become aggressive if cornered and can bite and scratch. Plus, they carry parasites and diseases that can be transmitted to people ...
Mites love sugar & yeast. They are attracted to bodies that consume lots of it. I recently decided to make my body chemistry more unfriendly & hostile to host these parasites. I have eliminated all refined sugar & yeast from my diet. I consume the powder form of MSM available at most vi...
How long does it take to get rid of a flea infestation in your house? What do Fleas Look Like? Fleas are generally very small (1–8 mm in length), so they can be difficult to identify. A lone flea can be almost impossible to spot. Look closely: you may be able to make out thei...
Raccoons are also known to carry leptospirosis, a bacterial infection that affects the kidneys of humans and other mammals. Lesser concerns center on the intestinal parasites spread by raccoons, some of which can be ingested by humans and can cause serious debilitations in young or elderly people...
Chicks clean themselves through dust bathing. This is an activity where the chick plays around in the sand to get rid of dirt, parasites, mites, and lice. Give your chicks a tub of sand to bathe in once they are around three to four weeks old. ...
Forraccoonproblems in and around your yard and garden, the best way to control the problem is by preventing entry. How to get rid ofraccoonsin a backyard? Put a fence around your garden. An easy way to fence out potential invaders is by erecting a wire fence, specifically chicken, that’...
1. Location of the Coop Thecoop’s locationon your property is critical to maintaining coop hygiene and providing protection for the birds. Build your chicken coop on high ground to avoid flooding, mud problems, or water and moisture buildup. If you can not find high ground, you must build...
nimble and often attack chickens in a violent manner. A raccoon will reach between the chicken wire, grab a chicken and bite it at the neck. Raccoons have been known to try to get as much of the chicken out of the coop as possible, leaving some homeowners to wake up toa disturbing ...