Bronchitis is swelling of airways mostly due to a virus. Rarely, bacteria or fungi can also be the reason. Swelling in bronchial tubes may restrict air to and from your lungs. It typically causes a bad cough, chest discomfort, and fatigue. You may need to consult a doctor to distinguish ...
Coughs, while rarely serious, can be really annoying. Some of these natural remedies can provide great relief from a cough—especially when you’re having difficulty sleeping! Natural Remedies to Relieve Coughs Lemon juice, sweetened with loaf or crushed sugar, will relieve a cough. –The 1852 ...
You can also try taking a hot shower or inhaling steam, both of which will make the mucus thinner. And, if you can get someone to pat your back, that can loosen the phlegm's attachment to the bronchial walls, which "allows it to be coughed out more easily," Dr. Voigt says. If ...
Many diseases and conditions can symptoms of an acute or chronic cough. Signs and symptoms of an acute cough are chills, fever, body aches, sore throat, and headache while signs and symptoms of a chronic cough are chronic sinus infections, runny nose, o
Install a vaporizer in your bedroom.High humidity will soothe bronchial passages and help loosen phlegm. Leave the vaporizer running if you'll be out of the room for less than an hour. Likewise, turn the vaporizer on an hour before you intend to be in the room. This keeps the humidity ...
Bronchitis is always indicated by acough, which may be dry or filled with phlegm. The presence or absence of phlegm only signifies the extent of the infection, as significant phlegm production points to a possible infection of the lungs themselves. ...
According to the Wound Care Society, toothpaste may not get rid of cold sores overnight but can help reduce pain, prevent blisters from forming, and promote faster healing.
How to Measure and Deepen Your Spiritual Realization: A Short Multi-disciplinary Course on Evaluating and Elevating Your Meditation Progress and Spiritual Experiences by Huai-Chin Nan William Bodri Chapter 4: Twelve Enlightening Case Studies: An Analysis of the Spiritual Progress and Problems Faced by...
Infectious disease experts share why a COVID cough can last beyond your initial sickness, and what you can do to treat a chronic cough.
Sinusitis(inflammation ofsinus) Bronchitis(inflammation of bronchial passage) Nasopharyngitis (inflammation ofnasal passageandpharynx) Upper respiratory tract infection Exfoliation Excoriation (skin-picking) Dizziness Cough Skin odor Headache Dysgeusia(taste disorder) ...