A stuffy nose is usually nothing to worry about; it’s mostly just uncomfortable, with varying symptoms. “For some people, it’s having a lot of mucus in the nose. For others, it’s a feeling that the airways are blocked and there’s a diminished sense of smell,” says Dr. Ahmad...
It's not as simple as telling them to blow their nose, and as we know, the safest position for babies is to sleep flat on their back to avoid SIDS, so all we can do as parents is help keep their nose clear until they feel better. Try to clear baby's blocked nose before bed. ...
An ingrown hair is essentially what it sounds like — it’s when a hair gets trapped underneath the surface of the skin. It occurs after shaving or waxing when your hairs start to grow back in and are blocked by your skin. Folliculitis This skin condition is different from ingrown hairs...
A blocked nose can be extremely irritating, especially if it prevents you from breathing properly. To target the nose directly and provide almost-immediate relief, pick up a saline spray. The spray is injected inside the nostril and will help to clear mucus so you can breathe easy. 3. How ...
7 ways to get rid of airplane ears in adults Here are 7 effective ways to get rid of airplane ears in adults and a few ways to treat them in children. Swallowing: Swallowing is an effective method that activates muscles to open eustachian tubes. Swallowing helps clear blocked ears in child...
1 cup of yogurt can aid a lot and help you prevent colds as well as stay away from pollen allergies. Yogurt can also help a lot in lessening the duration and the severity of respiratory tract infections which lead to a blocked nose. Probiotics (beneficial bacteria) contained in yogurt are...
23. Add 2 cups water with a 1/4 teaspoon of sea saltand or a half teaspoon of baking soda in one of your nostrils. Have your head tilted to the side so that the water comes out the other nostril. Its best used when youre experiencing nasal congestion... Use ...
It is said that our body has three different nadis, namely, Ida, Pingala and Sushumna. If your left nostril is jammed then it means that your Ida nadi is blocked which will lead to depression, cold, anxiety, etc. On the other hand, if your right nostril is blocked then it would mean...
Image 1:I laid down a flat layer of light graphite and instead of shading over the nostril, I went around it (HB). Image 2:If you look very carefully, you’ll notice that this second layer of graphite does not fully cover the first. I shaded from left to right, starting from theco...
Getting pimples inside your nose is the worst. Here's how to treat that blemish (and how to prevent a pimple in nose from coming back again).