When you suffer from a stomach ache, it may be really difficult to focus on anything. Irrespective of any reason behind this problem, you want to keep it away fast. Some simple and natural ways can give you relief from a stomach ache quickly and effectively. These ways are particularly eff...
When to See a Provider When you have astomachache, it's natural to want fast relief. Before reaching for an over-the-counter (OTC) medication, give these home remedies a try. They can sometimes ease bloating, gas, nausea, and abdominal pain in minutes. ...
A fever that lasts more than a few hours, though, is usually caused by an infection, either from a virus or bacteria. While most fevers do not last longer than a few days, it is important to monitor your fever and other symptoms to know how best to treat the underlying cause. Infectio...
How to get rid of acne using soaps and creams is the question that most people ask. Soap is said to be a way to remove the unwanted oils and dirt from the skin and help you heal faster. Some people have experienced faster results when they use this type of soap as compared to creams...
In most cases, canker sores do not require any treatment, and there is nothing specific you need to do to get rid of a canker sore because it usually will heal on its own. Home remedies can be used to help relieve the pain and inflammation of canker sores. If you already have a cank...
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During Ramadan, Muslims from around the world fast from sunrise to sunset. Here’s how they break their fast.
Too much MSGcan cause mood swings, migraines, brain fog, upset stomach, heart irregularities, and asthma in sensitive individuals. The worst sources include fast food, ramen noodles, canned soups, salty snacks, and refined soy products like veggie burgers. ...
You may think that there is little you can do to heal a cavity aside from go to your dentist and have it filled. While this is likely the most common option, it is not the only remedy. In fact, recent research suggests that a number of natural treatments can be used to reverse ...
If you prefer sleeping on your side, you should try slipping a small, flat pillow between your knees to help keep your spine aligned and straight. Sleeping on your back will help keep your shoulders straight, and it is usually more comfortable for the back than sleeping on the stomach. ...