Cleaning Tips & Advice The Best Cleaning Products on Amazon The Best Carpet Stain Removers What NOT to Clean With All-Purpose Cleaner The Great Shower Curtain Debate: Open or Closed?
Have you ever noticed little chunks of wood dust under your sofa? This is an indication of termite infestation. It is extremely difficult to get rid of termites once they penetrate your home and begin feasting on the structure of your house or your valuable furniture, especially given their ti...
000 compared tobed bug dust. A canister (aka smoke bomb) generates large amounts of smoke filled with Permethrin Synthetic Pyrethroid Insecticide to get rid of the infestation.
A good trick for getting your dog to avoid the upholstery is to sprinkle cayenne pepper in your potpourri or leave a bowl of ornamental chilies next to the sofa. Vinegar. Dogs strongly dislike the odor of vinegar. Vinegar can be potentially dangerous for plants, so don't spray vinegar in ...
A pet dog can be like a member of the family. However, they can make your house smell! Find out how to remove dog odours here.
Our guide on how to clean a faux leather sofa, jacket and more will show you clever ways to remove all types of stains. So, read on to get your faux fabric looking fabulous again. If you want to know how to clean actual leather, we've got you covered. Check out our guide to the...
Upscale And Approachable: These words describe how I want our home to feel. I’m working on a home filled with beautiful things but not so precious that anyone coming to our home can’t put their feet up on the sofa or put a cup of coffee on a table. Although a juxtaposition, these...
Scrape off any excess from the couch using a blunt edge or plastic knife to get nail polish out of the fabric. Once the excess has been removed, soak part of a clean white cloth in hydrogen peroxide. Be sure to test the hydrogen peroxide on an inconspicuous part of the sofa to ensure...
Get rid of the damn crickets. Ki-Woo, who was about to close the window, sits back down. The FOG quickly envelops the family as they continue to fold. It’s rather poignant. A family braving through tear-inducing fumes just to make a meager living. CHUNG-SOOK (gasps) Shit!
How to Get Rid of Mite Bites – Testimonial The best defense against mites is a strong vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter. Here are a few tips by visitors that helped them get rid of mites and their bites! Thank you, Mark and Barbara!