Bronchitis is swelling of airways mostly due to a virus. Rarely, bacteria or fungi can also be the reason. Swelling in bronchial tubes may restrict air to and from your lungs. It typically causes a bad cough, chest discomfort, and fatigue. You may need t
Bronchitis, especially if it’s viral, can be contagious from just hours after you’ve been exposed, long before you develop symptoms. Because of this, there’s a good number of days between when you’re exposed to when you start feeling sick, and you can pass the infection on during th...
Phlegmcan become a serious challenge if a person does not know about How to Get Rid of Phlegm. The organs of the respiratory tract (the throat, chest or lungs) and digestive system, as well as other body organs, produce a thin layer of mucus that serves many useful functions. The proble...
Bronchitis is commonly defined as chest infection, where the windpipe carrying air to the lungs is affected in the lower respiratory tract. A bronchial infection causes the lining of the bronchial tubes to swell and inflame, which is known as bronchitis. Since bronchi constitute the...
Antibiotics should not be prescribed to patients with acute bronchitis but have no underlying lung ailments unless a strong evidence for bacterial infection has been established or there is persistent coughing for one to two weeks. Doxycycline or erythromycin may be given to patients in those ...
You get acute bronchitis the same way you getcold and fluviruses: by getting a virus inside your body, usually by breathing it in or passing it from your hands to yourmouth, nose, oreyes. Viruses get into the air and onto surfaces after someone who is sick coughs, blows their nose, ...
shortness of breath, rapid breathing and chest tightness. If you are allergic to mold or mildew, ongoing exposure can make your asthma more difficult to control. Keeping the humidity in your home low and wearing a mask in damp places can help limit your exposure to mold and prevent worsening...
When I was a child, i was often bed-ridden with The Croup, which has been re-christened Laryngo-tracheo-bronchitis Today's puffers and steroids were not yet invented, so the remedy of choice in that era was the Brown Paper Mustard Plaster wrapped in Red Flannel Cloth and placed on the...
Learn about bronchitis symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention with this in depth WebMD slideshow.
Every winter I get the same question: what is the best honey for colds and associated respiratory problems? And how to treat bronchitis naturally, at home, without synthetic drugs? Well, the best is BronchoMel. It's a type of honey made by the Israeli co