We want to get you back up and running: Register for the DoorDash Drive On-Demand Invoicing Portal. Pay all your past-due invoice(s) using the portal. Your DoorDash Drive service will be reactivated in two business days. Pro tip: Payments made through the Invoicing Portal are processed fa...
Whether you're a customer or a driver, we've made it easy to find information about how to make the most of rideshare, delivery, and transportation companies. New to#ridesharingand#delivery?Start here! Learn the Basics Start Here Get all the best information about the Delivery Industry. ...
Whatever the reason, take heart. No matter the incident, Uber rideshare and Uber Eats drivers can and do get reactivated. Our article will explain why Uber drivers may find themselves deactivated, how to restore their accounts, and ways to avoid getting deactivated in the first place. ...