This is the highest Crafting Reagent you can use to make the best equipment for PvP battlegrounds. The gear you can craft scales up to item level 639, and you need it if you want to excel in PvP. So, here’s our full guide onhow to get and use Forged Gladiator’s HeraldryinThe ...
We know how unlucky someWoWplayers are, and getting trinkets simply via loot is often impossible sometimes. Luckily, you can also grind your way to get to them. Participating in Time Rifts earns you Paracausal Flakes. This new currency is used for trading with vendors for mounts, pets, co...
Ultimately, you'll wantPvP-specific gear. While these pieces are outclassed by others when it comes to world and PvE content, they willsignificantly increase your PvP Item Levelin battlegrounds and arenas. You can find these sets in theGladiator's Refugein Valdrakken, where they're sold byS...
WoW Classic TBC is here and for most of us, once we hit level 70 our main concern will be how to make our character stronger, so today we’re going to answer just that by going over every known and less known avenue of gearing in Outland and seeing what the...
This Cyrodiil Beginner Guide for ESO introduces you to how Cyrodiil works and what you can expect from this open-world PvP area!
If you already have a main character that has unlocked flying, spend a lot of time in Zereth Mortis hunting Rare mobs and finding chests. A lot of them have iLvl 236 gear. That's a great start to funnel yourself into one of the three main activities (Raiding, PvP, Mythic Dungeons)....
Where to Find Coded Warlock Notes Fel Portals Explorer Imp Worldcore Fragments The Wild Gods Quest How to Farm Wild Offering How to Get Wildwhisper Draught The Nightmare Incursions Event Guide How to Craft Epic Items Seal of the Dawn & Sanctified Gear Argent Dawn Shoulder Enchantments Naxxrama...
World of Warcraft: How to Get Started: World of Warcraft has been captivating the hearts of millions of gamers for over a decade. Its expansive and immersive world offers a wealth of content designed to suit a variety of playstyles and preferences. In t
WoW WotLK PvP Titles & How To Get Of the Alliance & Arena Master Achievement Title WoW To obtain Of the Alliance title, you need to get 100000 honorable kills. To obtain Arena Master title you need to complete the following arena achievements: world wide winner...
He now casts Mark of Consumption (Soul Consumption), which is the same as Phase 1, so move out and dispel as soon as possible, but the pool now sucks you in, so don’t touch it. On Heroic, the pool also slows you, so throw a freedom on whoever has it to ge...