Wanna learn how to use a bike pump? From picking the right one to pumping up your tires, we've got you covered. Read now to start!
If you’re like us, then, it’ll probably be hard for you to get super-pumped up about a game that you’ve only heard hype about but haven’t played. If experience is any judge, more often than not, the games that you hear tons of good stuff about usually end up being colossal ...
Setting Up Your Tailgating Space To get everyone pumped for the game, deck out your space with team colors and memorabilia. Think tablecloths in your team’s hues, banners fluttering in the breeze, and maybe even some fun, game-day-themed decorations like foam fingers or pennants. This is...
Sometimes you’re feeling pumped up, and sometimes you’re not. Therefore, don’t rely on your willpower, instead, choose to develop success habits that will get you going. You see, I’ve been publishing long-form articles since the day I started this blog. Every Tuesday, I publish a ...
You won't just be able to wait for your health to regenerate in Back 4 Blood. You've got to find the items all around each level needed to get you back in the game. Healing items include Pain Pills, Medkits, and Bandages. But you can't just treat each one of these things as a...
Building your own computer, whether it’s for gaming, school, or work, can be an exciting project. It lets you get the PC of your dreams. But even before you start to build your PC, you need to pick your components and that is a step that can get exceedingly complicated. From all ...
The following meditations for strength athletes don’t have to take more than a minute or two, and you can slip them into your day whenever you’re feeling brave. Maybe that’s before your next work meeting or before your next max attempt. Once you get accustomed to these kinds of very...
Marks showing up on a Pokemon gives them bragging rights, allowing your Pokemon to be even more unique than they already are. How to get all Marks and Titles Let’s first identify the marks you already have in the game. Open up the summary of the Pokemon you’ve caught and then scroll...
An authoritative player in World of Warcraft is a strong player who is well versed in the mechanics of the game and its updates, has strong equipment and is in a good guild, if you get into a raid with him, you always know that the raid will be sure to be successful....
Just don't get up to use the bathroom. Because there's no mention of one. Yet. And with a maximum pod height of 6.11 feet (1.10 meters) and width of 4.43 feet (1.35 meters), it might be a little too cozy for the claustrophobically inclined [sources: SpaceX]. Will the Hyperloop ...