% height was not working for me, I had to use vh for whatever reason and it started working properly when trying to set the height of a table within a card (and assuming the card also) for anyone who tried the above and it didn't work (for FiveM, CEF) Share Improve this answer F...
this is incorrect, no aircraft has a reverse function, turboprops and jets have a function called Reverse Thrust but that's for slowing down after landing, using it while still can damage the engine, and if its a large jet, it will blow out the ...
I've created tokens and they seem to be working. import datetime def datetoday(): today = datetime.date.today() return today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') def timemfive(): utcoffset = datetime.timedelta(hours=6) fivemins = datetime.timedelta(minutes=5) now = (datetime.datetime.now() ...