@big82s To report a player in Plants Vs. Zombies: Heroes please see the link here: https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/plants-vs-zombies/plants-vs-zombies-heroes/report-a-player-in-plants-... View in thread #2 December 2016 - last edited December 2016 by EA_Andy Options maniacal...
Take both mods and the vanilla game as they are rather than try to pit them against each other or try to force one to be like the other. That is, sometimes all that we can do is respect each others’ decisions for why they do something and get on with it. Sometimes you can’t sq...
For Live Chat, make sure to choose US as your country. Redeem Links If you did not get your code yet, you should get it soon. If not, contactCustomer Support Origin Exclusive Plants vs. Zombies Decor Pack Supernatural Limited Edition Content(pea shooter) ...
Plants vs. Zombies™ Garden Warfare 2: Deluxe Edition Works perfectly well with GE Proton, probably works with Stock Proton just as well 1 year ago Tinker Steps:Custom Proton: GE No issues, no extra tinkering required. If it doesnt work with Stock Proton, get ProtonUp-QT and use that ...
For Live Chat, make sure to choose US as your country. Redeem Links If you did not get your code yet, you should get it soon. If not, contactCustomer Support Origin Exclusive Plants vs. Zombies Decor Pack Supernatural Limited Edition Content(pea shooter) ...
For Live Chat, make sure to choose US as your country. Redeem Links If you did not get your code yet, you should get it soon. If not, contactCustomer Support Origin Exclusive Plants vs. Zombies Decor Pack Supernatural Limited Edition Content(pea shooter) ...
...rest assured that mods are watching these threads and will handle up on things before the forum goes to trash. Back on topic (for me), I agree that some of the abilities are the only way some people can get kills (whether skill or latency) and even though I don’t like many of...