With enough light, peace lilies produce white to off-white flowers starting in the early summer and continue to bloom throughout the year in the right conditions. Most household varieties of peace lily grow up to 16 inches tall, but larger outdoor cultivars can have leaves up to 6 feet tal...
Spathiphyllum spp. is known to be quite toxic topetsand mildly toxic tohumans. Likedieffenbachia, peace lily plant contains insoluble calcium oxalate crystals that are released when the plant is chewed and can cause oral pain, drooling, vomiting or diarrhea. Very rarely swelling in the mouth ma...
Peace lilies mature fast and will be ready to divide within a year or two of planting. One-year-old plants should begin to bloom during early spring and bloom intermittently throughout the year. Peace lilies are not native plants in South Florida, but they are easily grown in tropical areas...
Undemanding and easygoing, peace lilies are a popular hybrid from theSpathiphyllumgenus of tropical plants. These stunning houseplants areeasy to grow and bloom for several monthsof the year. As anindoor plant with striking creamy white flowers, they are sure to catch your eye in any room or ...
Get to Know Peace Lily Plant Blooms usually appear in early summer and last for weeks. Each spoon-shaped spathe is pristine white and surrounds theprotruding spadix that is densely covered by its tiny, true flowers. When flowers start to fade, cut off the flower stalks as close to the ba...
Tips on how to care for your lilies from Bloom & Wild, the UK's top rated flower delivery. Send lillies & delight someone with a beautiful bouquet, posted through their letterbox.
Once the big spring push ends, spathiphyllum flowers will eventually fade. Many people don’t know what to do, or they wonder if the plant will die as the bloom fades away. We see the evidence from the daily questions in our email. Read more on the peace lily topic of brown leaves he...
Fresh flowers need to be in clean water to prevent them from wilting and eventually dying. But you can also extend their life by trimming their stems when you get them home. Adding a bit of plant food to the vase can also help your cut flowers last longer. Place them in a shaded and...
low-maintenance plant is also known as Zanzibar gem or the aroid palm. It belongs to the same plant family as thepeace lily, another undemanding plant. But unlike peace lilies, ZZ plants rarely flower indoors. When they do, the inconspicuous bloom resembles the start of a peace lily flower...
Think tropical plants, like a monstera, spider plant or peace lily. Three things to look out for: Looking after flowering plants If your plant has lots of colourful blooms (or buds) like a rose plant or orchid, these tips are for you. Three things to look out for: Looking after ...