A clear understanding of the nature of this framework and how to assess one's own work against it is critical to successful acceptance and subsequent publication of manuscripts. This paper reviews the standard framework for scientific communication. Communicating your findings is a form of scientific...
The key idea is that you should read the paper in up to three passes, instead of starting at the beginning and plow- ing your way to the end. Each pass accomplishes specific goals and builds upon the previous pass: Thefirstpass gives you a general idea about the paper. Thesecondpass l...
1 Introduction Getting a paper published may be challenging, particularly for investigators early in their research career. Although there has been a big increase in the number of new journals covering a range of topic, including diabetes, the interest in research has led to an even greater incre...
Getting a paper published may be challenging, particularly for investigators early in their research career. Although there has been a big increase in the number of new journals covering a range of topic, including diabetes, the interest in research has led to an even greater increase in the nu...
前面两篇文章介绍了,如何进行paper review、做一个好talk的几个tips。下面我们来说说如何阅读一篇paper?牛顿:“如果我比别人看得远些,那是因为我站在巨人们的肩上。”本篇文章介绍也是如此,站在巨人的肩膀上。本文内容来源于:S. Keshav教授的《How to Read a Paper》。
Reading A-Z是国外的一个互动系列的教材,又名RAZ,分Level A至Level Z共27个级别(Reading A-Z在Level A之前有个Level AA)。Reading A-Z(RAZ)难度递增,内容庞大,由多个高清晰度黑白pdf文档组成(可打印成书来阅读),而且还有配套MP3音频及FLASH。非常适合英语初学者练习拼读及听力。目前在美国和加拿大超过半数以...
Hey, the Library is very pleased to invite you to attend the training sessions ofSocial Research Methods and Skills of SSCI Paper Publication(Social Sciences Citation Index). Guest Trainer Prof. Jieren HU Tongji University 🕒 📆 3 - 5 pm ...
(How to Get Your Paper Rejected?) [编者按]: 当前,所有临床医生都面临着发表文章的巨大压力。根据研究资料,我们应当如何撰写高质量的文章?2004年,美国医生Plotkin在BMJ发表短文,以幽默的语调总结了导致文章被拒绝发表的常见原因。 How To...
《How to Read a paper》 是滑铁卢大学计算机科学学院 S. Keshav 教授所提倡的一种文献阅读方法。该方法提倡分三遍读论文,而不是从头读到尾。每一遍都在前一遍的基础上完成特定的目标:第一遍让你对论文有个大致的了解;第二遍理解文章的内容,注意不是文章的细节;第三遍帮助你深入地理解论文。
How to write a paper The MLA Handbook could prove useful if struggling with writing a research paper. The rules are laid out in the manual, however, there are some general rules to help you get started. Make sure you do not leave out any portion in your essay which do not pertain to...