we don’t live in an ideal world, so objections can and will come up. While you can’t avoid them, you can learn how to overcome them effectively, and how to turn a ‘no’ or ‘maybe’ into a ‘yes’. Here’s how to do it. ...
By retraining your mind with techniques to help you calm yourself in the face of fear, you can get to a place where, if not completely over your phobia, it is manageable. Sometimes, manageable is all you’ll get. Look at (and Maybe Touch) Some REAL Snakes! Now that, hopefully, you...
A psychologist explains one of the most common phobias and how to get over itChris Snyder
whether that be taking a flight on a jet, speaking to a crowd, or sharing a loving relationship. Fears and phobials may also keep us from tapping into our spiritual and intuitive gifts, including synchrnicity!
1. Identify the source of your fear: The first step to overcoming fear is to identify what is causing it. Take some time to reflect on the situations or experiences that trigger your fear. Is it a specific phobia, such as fear of heights or spiders? Is it related to a past traumatic...
Some people suffer from acrophobia, the fear of heights or aerophobia, the fear of flying. Whereas for others it’s arachnophobia, the fear of spiders. But there is one fear that perhaps beats all the aforementioned, i.e.,Glossophobia. People suffering from this phobia can end up trembl...
When you're working to overcome a phobia, it doesn't usually help to spend a lot of time trying to figure out "why" you're afraid. The important questions are "what do I feel?" and "how shall I respond to it?". However, it can be useful to get a little insight into what caus...
* If you have a Specific Phobia, you keep getting tricked into believing that you're likely to be overcome by some external object (like an elevator) or animal, or by your fear of it. * If you have OCD, you keep getting tricked into believing that you've set in motion a terrible...
How a child can learn to be frightened of spiders using the appropriate symbols ofucr ucs cr cs nsin classical conditioning? Learning Theories: Learning theories are psychological theories that concerned itself with the process of learning. There...
Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders. People with arachnophobia have such a severe fear of spiders that they may have panic attacks when talking about them, looking at them, or witnessing videos of them. The idea of encountering a spider may cause someone with this phobia to experience phantom...