五、阅读理解 How can you get rid of negative (负面的) thoughts? Many people suggest changing your attitude by thinking of something bright and happy. Recently scientists from Queen's University in Canada said that there also might be another way—by walking like a happy person. “It is not...
If that’s the case then don’t grow these negative thoughts bigger and just focus on how to deal with the new situation Accept the Change: When an unexpected event happens we usually go through some stages before we return back to our previous mental state. The last one of these stages...
根据本段标题“First, don’t suppress (抑制) the negative thought.(第一,不要压抑消极的想法。)”和上文“Research shows that it’s important not to suppress negative thoughts as this only makes it worse.(研究表明,不要压抑消极的想法很重要,因为这只会让事情变得更糟。)”可知,我们需要做的是要...
When you recognize that simple fact about life, it forces you to take a helicopter view. You need to elevate your perspective on your life. When you’re stuck in a negative thought cycle, you have zero perspective. You’re consumed by your thoughts. You need to force yourself to look at...
When negative thoughts invade your space, it can cause a lot of damage. Try some of the following tips to decrease and snap out of negative thinking.
The Effects of Negative Thoughts The opposite of an optimistic attitude and a positive outlook is a pessimistic outlook. Negative emotions and thoughts limit your brain activity and ability to make choices. When you are faced with a destructive emotion, such as fear, you can think of little els...
【题目】How do we rid ourselves of the negativ e(消极的) thoughts and return to a place of p eace and acceptance? Read on for some expert-guided tips.First, don't suppress (抑制) the negative t hought. "Research shows that it's important n ot to suppress negative thoughts as this...
Know, too, that if after a few breaths you still want to go back to your loop, you always can. The thoughts will be there waiting for you, right where you left off; the rabbit hole of thought will always welcome you back, and will always be delighted to get you bac...
Have you ever found yourself stuck in a negative loop of repetitive thoughts? Like when you mess something up in rehearsal, and start reliving the moment in your head on the drive home. Where it’s like your brain tries to figure out how bad it w...
Instead, they always stand by your side regardless of how bad the situation is. If you want to rid your mind of negative thoughts, fill it up with uplifting and inspiring information. Read at least a couple of books(e.g. self-help or fiction) that will inspire you to be a better per...