As competition for gaining high-profit margins and survival among organizations (in the situation caused by COVID-19) grows, the number of business scandals or unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPOB) increases simultaneously. The current study inves
000 surety bond to the CMS. This amount is necessary for each NPI you have and want to use. Thus, you may need a larger bond amount if you have numerous practice locations as an organizational supplier.
Product to platform transitions: Organizational identity implications. In The Oxford Handbook of Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship; Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, 2015; pp. 379–394. 59. Hagiu, A.; Wright, J. Multi-sided platforms. Int. J. Ind. Organ. 2015, 43, 162–174....
However, a great deal of valuable organizational change analysis is not oriented to the potential for strategic change even though it might lead to it, because "culture eats strategy" [12–14]. Both private sector and generic management tools are useful for this purpose, but they do not draw...
A lawful justification for data processing exists if the data subject has consented to it, the law provides for it, or the data processor has an overriding interest in the data processing. The data processing must comply with technical and organizational security requirements, especially when process...
Developed Geographic Information System (GIS)-based decision support program can be a unique tool assisting suppliers in making comprehensive decisions on organizational options for the most suitable, most energy efficient transportation [39]. The energy efficiency research of supply chain solutions and ...
In other words, when the proportion of women reaches "critical mass" in the workplace (defined as 25–30% of the workplace) the organizational climate should improve, according to Kanter's theory. Tokenism theory, however, has not uniformly stood up to rigorous empirical testing. On the ...