If using Mac: Open the Terminal application (Utilities); On the command line, enter the ssh command: User-Mac:~ User$ ssh IP_of_your_VPS -l root When prompted, enter your VPS root password. If using Windows: You can find detailed tutorial with pictures how to connect to the server fr...
Now that Rsync and SCP are securely nestled in your system, it is time to explore their basic usage for file transfers on a VPS. This chapter will walk you through fundamental scenarios, from transferring files to and from a local machine to copying files between remote servers. Transferring ...
See also How to Install and Run ArchiveBox on Ubuntu VPS Server Reload nginx for the changes to take effect: systemctl reload nginx Acquiring a SSL certificate We’ll use Let’s Encrypt to get a free SSL certificate: certbot --nginx -d example.com This will obtain the certificate, automati...
See also Step-by-Step Guide to Install NetBox on Ubuntu VPS Once you have your VPS provisioned, SSH into your server with the following command (replace with your server’s IP address): ssh root@ Within your server, run the update command below: apt-get update Next,...
Click the "Connect" button to connect to your VPS. You may be asked to validate the server's identity by confirming a fingerprint or certificate. If so, follow the on-screen steps to make sure you're connecting to the correct server. Once verified, select "Yes" or "Accept" to continue...
Once you are logged in to Vultr, click on the plus button given on the screen. Vultr Server Creation Now it’s time to configure a server by filling in the required information, such as: Server Selection Choose the Server as per your requirement. ServerAvatar supports VPS/VM/Cloud ...
To get started, find and uncomment the line containingpush "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp". Doing this will tell your client to redirect all of its traffic through your OpenVPN Server. Be aware that enabling this functionality can cause connectivity issues with other network services...
NVME 2 VPS Now just$43.99 /mo GET YOUR VPS touch /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/rocketchat.conf Once created, open it with your favorite text editor and paste the following lines of code: server { listen 80; server_name YourDomainNameHere; ...
Learn how to set up OpenVPN on your VPS effortlessly with our comprehensive guide. Follow these steps for a secure and reliable connection. Get started now!
If using Mac: Open the Terminal application (Utilities); On the command line, enter the ssh command: User-Mac:~ User$ ssh IP_of_your_VPS -l root When prompted, enter your VPS root password. If using Windows: You can find detailed tutorial with pictures how to connect to the server fr...