1: You Can't Teach an Old Dog New Tricks Old dogs -- and older people -- can both learn new things. Polafernandez/iStock/Thinkstock The proverb is often used to mean that older people (or animals) can't learn anything new. But it's not really true, either in the human or ...
A point-and-shoot camera (or “bridge camera”) is also capable of powerful images of the moon, especially when held up to the eyepiece of aDobsonian reflectortelescope. It can be tricky to capture a sharp image while hand-holding the camera up to the eyepiece, so you’ll likely need t...
Rafael Henrique/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images Streaming has become such a commonplace amenity of modern living, it can be hard to imagine someone unfamiliar with the concept. However, it wasn't so long ago that it was common to ask the question: What is streaming? Contents ...
Most of the time, converting satellite and aerial images to maps requires the skill of a human cartographer. Cartographers can measure the features of an image at regular intervals, or they can trace entire outlines. These two methods are known as raster and vector encoding, and both can be...
It turns out that measuring the distance to a star is an interesting problem! Astronomers have come up with two different techniques to estimate how far away any given star is. The first technique uses triangulation (a.k.a. parallax). The Earth's orbit around the sun has a diameter of ...
Many ski resorts have now added satellite parking lots and free shuttles to bring you right to the chairlifts, though this can add a little transit time to your ski day. If you’re planning to spend the night, you’ll likely have to pay to park your vehicle in the hotel garage (and...
ready satellite or cable set-top box, however.All progressive-scanned HD, ED, and SD images are connected through component video cables; some satellite and cable set-top boxes also have new DVI (Digital Video Interface) connectors, which conduct the digital HD signals directly to the set. ...
You may find you get better help if you ask politely if there a simple solution, instead of publicly demonstrating to other professionals that you do not want to respect a valuable feature they need to use in commercial image production (for example, when a client requires all images to ...
Editor's note: If you have an amazing photo of the Intenrational Space Station, satellite or any other night-sky sight that you'd like to share for a possible story or image gallery, send images and comments in to managing editor Tariq Malik at spacephotos@space.com. This article was up...
we inserted our AI into the same process that we use to deliver images. So we form an image after the data comes down from the satellite, and then we will run AI and push out the results to our users. That means you get that intelligence right away, and you can do...